Easy Parmesan Crisps

Easy Parmesan Crisps


Easy Parmesan Crisps taking into consideration Grated Parmesan Cheese, Parmesan Cheese

The ingredient of Easy Parmesan Crisps

  1. 1 1/2 cups grated Parmesan cheese coarsely, 6 ounces
  2. Parmesan cheese

The instruction how to make Easy Parmesan Crisps

Nutritions of Easy Parmesan Crisps

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 120 calories
@type: 1 grams
@type: 25 milligrams
@type: 8 grams
@type: 10 grams
@type: 4.5 grams
@type: 420 milligrams

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