The Easiest Healthy Protein Bite Snacks Recipe #ItsYourDay

The Easiest Healthy Protein Bite Snacks Recipe #ItsYourDay


The Easiest Healthy Protein Bite Snacks Recipe #itsyourday like Oats, Peanut Butter, Coconut Flakes, Honey, Mini Chocolate Chips, Protein Powder, Cinnamon, Seeds, Flax, Hemp

The ingredient of The Easiest Healthy Protein Bite Snacks Recipe #ItsYourDay

  1. 1 cup oats
  2. 1/2 cup peanut butter we use chunky
  3. 1/2 cup coconut flakes
  4. 1/3 cup honey
  5. 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
  6. 2 tablespoons protein powder Premier, I use any ventilate I vibes taking into consideration
  7. 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  8. seeds optional
  9. flax optional
  10. hemp optional

The instruction how to make The Easiest Healthy Protein Bite Snacks Recipe #ItsYourDay

Nutritions of The Easiest Healthy Protein Bite Snacks Recipe #ItsYourDay

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 630 calories
@type: 73 grams
@type: 34 grams
@type: 10 grams
@type: 19 grams
@type: 14 grams
@type: 170 milligrams
@type: 39 grams

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