Peanut Butter and Banana Roll Ups Snack Box

Peanut Butter and Banana Roll Ups Snack Box


Peanut Butter And Banana Roll Ups Snack Box once total Wheat Tortilla, Peanut Butter, Banana, Strawberries, Pretzels, Tangerine, Celery Stalks

The ingredient of Peanut Butter and Banana Roll Ups Snack Box

  1. 1 total wheat tortilla 8-inch
  2. 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  3. 1 banana
  4. 4 strawberries
  5. 1/4 cup pretzels
  6. 1 tangerine peeled and halved
  7. 2 celery stalks halved

The instruction how to make Peanut Butter and Banana Roll Ups Snack Box

Nutritions of Peanut Butter and Banana Roll Ups Snack Box

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 550 calories
@type: 96 grams
@type: 14 grams
@type: 11 grams
@type: 14 grams
@type: 3.5 grams
@type: 790 milligrams
@type: 30 grams

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