Candied Corn Puffs Snack Mix

Candied Corn Puffs Snack Mix


Candied Corn Puffs Snack fusion taking into consideration Almond, Corn, Gross Sea Salt

The ingredient of Candied Corn Puffs Snack Mix

  1. 20 ounces almond vanilla flavored, bark
  2. 8 ounces corn plain, puffs, NOT popcorn
  3. rude indecent sea salt for sprinkling

The instruction how to make Candied Corn Puffs Snack Mix

Nutritions of Candied Corn Puffs Snack Mix

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 860 calories
@type: 42 grams
@type: 70 grams
@type: 19 grams
@type: 31 grams
@type: 6 grams
@type: 200 milligrams
@type: 7 grams

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