Anti-Oxidant Blueberry Martini

Anti-Oxidant Blueberry Martini


Anti-oxidant Blueberry Martini past Blueberry Vodka, Cranberry Juice, Triple Sec, Juice Concentrate

The ingredient of Anti-Oxidant Blueberry Martini

  1. 5 ounces blueberry vodka
  2. 2 ounces cranberry juice
  3. 1 ounce triple sec
  4. 1 ounce juice concentrate lemon

The instruction how to make Anti-Oxidant Blueberry Martini

Nutritions of Anti-Oxidant Blueberry Martini

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 80 calories
@type: 13 grams
@type: 13 grams

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